Congress Workshops
Workshops vary in their cost, duration, maximum participants and location. The correct ticket is required for entry to all workshops. Where workshops are repeated, your ticket will only allow you entry to the specified session and is not transferable to other sessions of the same workshop.
Only one workshop will be allocated per delegate up to the early bird closing date.
Workshops are allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and the availability of workshops is subject to demand. After the early bird closing date, all delegates will be notified of the available workshops by email. Delegates can edit their registration booking online and select a further workshop. Please note, the selection of a second workshop after the early bird date will only be available online.
For more information about these workshops, please view the program below.
W1 | W6 | W11| W13 | W17 | W19 | W22 | W26 - CICO (ANZCA ER)
Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate (CICO) Workshops by Careflight (ANZCA ER)
Date/ Time |
W1 Saturday 17 September 2016 0830 – 1030 *Waitlist is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 208, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$200 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
As anaesthetists you understand the need for CICO training. As such, you know that they are rare but stressful situations, where pre-planning and preparation are essential for the patient’s survival.
So why is it that most CICO training is focused on situations that occur in the context of an anaesthetic induction in an operating room? The reality of CICO situations in a big hospital is that most of them occur in other locations: ED, CT scanner, HDU, wards and, of course, outside of the walls of a hospital.
CareFlight’s CICO course is focused on those situations where you may not have your usual gadgets to play with, the reassuring company of esteemed colleagues or even your favourite assistant. The keys to success are within the realms of both technical and non-technical skills. CareFlight’s CICO course emphasises team skills, communication techniques, decision making practices and, of course, outstanding CICO skills.
Focused Ultrasound-Simulated Education - Vascular Access (FUSE Vascular) Workshop
Date/ Time |
W2 Saturday 17 September 2016 0830 – 1100 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 209, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$250 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
The FUSE Vascular workshop is designed to teach the knowledge base and practical skills to perform ultrasound- guided vascular access. There are three components to the course. An e-learning package to gain the knowledge, the anatomy, and the basic techniques for ultrasound-guided vascular access for central veins, peripheral arteries, and peripheral veins including PICC lines.
On Saturday morning, a 2.5 hour workshop is conducted to show participants how to perform the techniques and to use the simulators. The simulators will be available for the duration of the congress for participants to practice 5 times for each vascular technique and location in a self-directed manner. After completion of the training, an optional logbook is enabled. The time required to complete the entire course is approximately 10 hours of pre-congress learning, a 2.5 hour workshop, followed by approximately 3 hours practice on the simulators over the rest of the Congress.
Anaphylaxis Workshops (ANZCA ER)
Date/ Time |
W3 Saturday 17 September 2016 0900 – 1030 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 216, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
12 participants per workshop |
The anaphylaxis workshops will be run by Dr Helen Kolawole who is currently the coordinator of the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group, ANZAAG and Chair of the ANZAAG Anaphylaxis Management working group.
Focused Ultrasound-Simulated Education - Transthoracic Echocardiography (FUSE TTE) Workshops
Date/ Time |
W4 Saturday 17 September 2016 0830 – 1100 |
Location |
Meeting Room 218, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$250 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
The FUSE TTE workshop is designed to teach the knowledge base and practical skills to perform basic transthoracic echocardiography. There are three components to the course. An e-learning package to gain the basic knowledge and case interpretation to be completed prior to the congress. At the congress a 2.5 hour workshop conducted on the Saturday morning to teach the participants how to use the simulator and how to acquire the views for basic TTE. The simulators will then be available for practice for the rest of the congress. The course requires ten self-directed cases to be performed on the simulator during this time.
After completion of the training, an optional logbook is enabled. The time required to complete the entire course is approximately 20 hours of pre-congress learning, a 2.5 hour workshop, followed by approximately five hours practice on the simulator.
Regional Anaesthesia - Upper Limb Blocks
Date/ Time |
W5 Saturday 17 September 2016 1100 - 1300 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 207, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$100 |
Capacity |
15 participants per workshop |
This practical, hands-on workshop will involve scanning on live models focusing on upper limb blocks. The anatomy and sonoanatomy of the upper limb, vascular structures and brachial plexus (blocks above and below the clavicle, distal forearm rescue blocks) will be discussed. Facilitators are active clinicians and trainers in regional anaesthesia and their teaching places emphasis on practical tips and clinical pearls to improve your regional anaesthesia skills.
W8 - 3D TOE
3D TOE Workshop
Date/ Time |
W8 Saturday 17 September 2016 1100 - 1300 |
Location |
Meeting Room 217, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$100 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
This workshop will help participants understand how to acquire and process 3-D echo images on the Philips systems. The workshop is computer-based using simulation and is moderated by Prof Stanton Shernan, who is a world-renowned expert in 3-D TOE.
Regional Anaesthesia - Lower Limb Blocks
Date/ Time |
W10 Sunday 18 September 2016 0830 – 1030 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 207, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$100 |
Capacity |
15 participants per workshop |
This practical, hands-on workshop will involve scanning on live models focusing on lower limb blocks. The anatomy and sonoanatomy of the lower limb, including vascular structures, the femoral and sciatic nerve block, subsartorial saphenous block, adductor canal block, and ankle block will be discussed. Facilitators are active clinicians and trainers in regional anaesthesia and their teaching places emphasis on practical tips and clinical pearls to improve your regional anaesthesia skills.
Lung Ultrasound Workshop
Date/ Time |
W12 Sunday 18 September 2016 1100 – 1300 Limited spots available |
Location |
Meeting Room 207, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
The lung ultrasound workshop will demonstrate how to perform lung ultrasound and to identify patterns of lung pathology, including normal, pneumothorax, plural effusion, pulmonary oedema, minor and major consolidation. Participants will practice performing lung ultrasound and visualising pathology on the ultrasound simulator. There will be a participant: instructor ratio of 5:1.
Using WebAIRS for Incident Reporting and Analysis (ANZCA ER)
Date/ Time |
W14 Sunday 18 September 2016 1100 – 1300 |
Location |
W14: Meeting Room 209, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre W27: Meeting Room 203, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
20 - 30 participants per workshop |
This workshop will utilise case scenarios based on re-identified cases reported to webAIRS. The facilitators will work through case discussions with the delegates actively participating, using a modified root cause analysis tool. This tool also incorporates a methodology to assist with future improvements to healthcare. The session will include how to report incidents, which incidents to report, using webAIRS at your local Morbidity and Mortality meetings and the webAIRS case analysis & discussion process.
* Please note attendees are required to bring their own mobile device which may be either a smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Participants in the ANZCA CPD program may claim this workshop in the practice evaluation category under case discussions or incident reporting. A webAIRS USB containing documents and tools used during the workshop is included with attendance at this workshop.
MIGA Exploring the Prognosis of Misdiagnosis
Date/ Time |
W15 Sunday 18 September 2016 1100 - 1300 |
Location |
Meeting Room 216, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
35 participants per workshop |
Failure to diagnose is a significant cause of claims. In this workshop, case studies will be presented for your evaluation. What are the areas of vulnerability in managing the claim? Will you decide to defend or will you seek to settle? What is your advice on future risk management strategies?
Regional Anaesthesia - Thoraco - Abdominal Block Workshop
Date/ Time |
W16 Sunday 18 September 2016 1430 – 1630 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 207, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$100 |
Capacity |
15 participants per workshop |
This practical, hands-on workshop will involve scanning on live models focusing on blocks of the chest and abdomen. The anatomy and sonoanatomy of the pectoral block, posterior and subcostal transversus abdominis plane blocks, rectus sheath, and ultrasound-guided paravertebral and neuraxial blocks will be discussed. Facilitators are active clinicians and trainers in regional anaesthesia and their teaching places emphasis on practical tips and clinical pearls to improve your regional anaesthesia skills.
Paediatric ALS Workshop (ANZCA ER)
Date/ Time |
W18 Sunday 18 September 2016 1430 - 1630 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 209, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
This workshop will include a 15 minute introduction, followed by four x 20 min scenarios, which will cover the new (2015) ILCOR/ Aust. Resus Council guidelines for paediatric and newborn resuscitation. Participants in the ANZCA CPD program will be able to claim points, on completion, in the category Emergency Responses: Cardiac Arrest.
Tactical & Hostile Response Emergency Access & Treatment (THREAT)
Date/ Time |
W20 Part 1 Monday 19 September 2016 0830 – 1030 (30 min break) |
Location |
Meeting Room 209, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$400 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
As anaesthetists you are used to providing the right treatment to the right patient at the right time; but what if the environment is one where the continued risk to life or limb is extreme, visibility is reduced, the situation is unfamiliar and your equipment is limited?
CareFlight’s THREAT course teaches tried and tested decision making processes using internationally accepted equipment and accredited instructional staff. Your participation will help you to differentiate between a direct or indirect threat environment and to tailor your interventions according to those proven to save lives.
Veterinary Anaesthesia Workshop
Date/ Time |
W21 Monday 19 September 2016 0800 – 1230 |
Location |
U-Vet Werribee Animal Hospital |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
15 participants per workshop |
Participants will be transported to the University of Melbourne Werribee Veterinary Hospital for a morning of veterinary anaesthesia. This two hour workshop includes a brief tour of the facilities at one of Australia’s major Veterinary teaching hospitals. The management of anaesthesia for various animal species will be discussed and possibly include a live demonstration depending on available case load. Return transfers from the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre will be provided.
Major Haemorrhage (ANZCA ER)
Date/ Time |
W23 Monday 19 September 2016 0830 – 1030 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 217, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
This session meets the ANZCA requirements for an Emergency Response activity - Major Haemorrhage. Participants will rotate through three stations: 1) Major haemorrhage in a trauma scenario, including discussion of point of care assessment of coagulation status and massive transfusion protocol; 2) Major haemorrhage in a paediatric surgical scenario, including resuscitation and transfusion of the paediatric patient; 3) Major haemorrhage in an obstetric scenario, including early use of fibrinogen, tranexamic acid, surgical and radiological interventions. The format for each station will be a group discussion of a specific case or cases.
Cowlishaw Historical Book Collection
Date/ Time |
W24 Monday 19 September 2016 1100 - 1300 |
Location |
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons East Melbourne |
Cost |
No charge |
Capacity |
30 participants per workshop |
The Cowlishaw Collection is one of the finest collections of historical medical books in Australasia. It contains many early, classic and rare editions, including Vesalius’ De humani corporis fabrica.
Leslie Cowlishaw (1877-1943) was a physician, medical historian and book collector. He had already travelled widely by the time of his graduation from Sydney University in 1906, when he began to collect books. In 1914 he enlisted with the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) and served as medical officer on Gallipoli and in Egypt with the 12th Light Horse Regiment. He was evacuated to England in 1915, where he met Sir William Osler, who greatly encouraged him to expand and strengthen his library and named him “the bibliophile from the bush”. After his death, the College purchased the Collection, now housed in the Council Room.
The visit will be hosted by Geoff Down, the College curator.
Return transfers from the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre will be provided.
TTE Live Model Scanning Workshop
Date/ Time |
W25 Monday 19 September 2016 0830 – 1030 |
Location |
Meeting Room 207, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$80 |
Capacity |
15 participants per workshop |
This workshop is designed to teach and practice the acquisition of transthoracic echocardiography images on human volunteers. There will be a participant: instructor ratio of 5:1. Each echocardiography view will be demonstrated, with participants then rotating through to practice acquisition of the basic views. The parasternal long and short axis views, apical and sub-costal views will be taught.
Adult Advanced Life Support Workshop (ANZCA ER)
Date/ Time |
W28 Sunday 18 September 2016 0830 – 1030 Wait list is available |
Location |
Meeting Room 217, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre |
Cost |
$150 |
Capacity |
20 participants per workshop |
This is a three hour workshop and equipment will be provided. The lead facilitator will be Dr Candida Marane, assisted by Dr Stuart Marshall, who will take participants through four simulated cardiac arrest scenarios. The facilitators are all experienced in ALS instruction at large teaching hospitals. On completion, participants in the ANZCA CPD program will be awarded points in the CPD activity: Emergency Responses Cardiac Arrest.